Basic access to hair cut

*setup a condulsive/clean environment

*get the necessary materials needed for the hair cut (clipper,hair brush,relaxer,hair dryer,towel,clip, clean white cotton, etc)

*set the materials well arranged and get suitable furniture in d little space provided

*get a machine or power supply to access the engine

* you are good to go

* for more info about skills and knowledge needed in hair cut contact 

Topmost barbers

Omowumi along olorunsogo express Ibadan, Oyo state.


​11 Quick Facts

1. Omega-3 fatty acids are required in human health but cannot be made by the body so we must consume them. They are, therefore, called

essential fatty acids.

2. Fatty acids are components of the fat molecules that exist in food and in our bodies.

3. Research has identified that EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic), the omega-3s found in marine oils, are the two most important fatty acids in human health.

4. Consuming enough EPA and DHA omega-3s is important for general health across the lifespan.

5. EPA and DHA are most easily obtained from consuming cold-water fish—like salmon and tuna—or from taking purified supplements made from fish oil.

6. The conversion rate of ALA (the omega-3 in plant foods) to EPA and DHA is very low; only a small amount is converted to EPA and DHA in most of us.

7. In general, omega-3s have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body while omega-6s have a pro-inflammatory effect. Both omega-3s and omega-6s are needed for optimal health but they need to be in balance. Too much omega-6 in relation to omega-3 has a negative effect on health; we can help restore the balance by consuming EPA and DHA omega-3s.

8. Many countries and health organizations around the world recommend consumption of at least 500mg EPA and DHA per day.

9. Depending on one’s diet and family history, doctors and dietitians often recommend consuming more omega-3s.

10. EPA and DHA are healthy fats that everyone needs. Pregnant moms and developing babies have a special need for omega-3s.

11. Marine-sourced omega-3s are one of the most studied nutrients in the world.

Tips to basic health

Drinking hot lemon water can prevent cancer. Don’t add sugar. Hot lemon water is more beneficial than cold lemon water.

Both yellow n purple sweet potato have good cancer prevention properties. 
01. Often taking late night supper can increase the chance of stomach cancer 
02. Never take more than 4 eggs per week 
03. Eating pope’s nose (chicken backside) can cause stomach cancer 
04. Never eat fruits after meal. Fruits should be eaten before meals
05. Don’t take tea during menstruation period. 
06. Take less soy milk, no adding sugar or egg to soy milk 
07. Don’t eat tomato with empty stomach 
08. Drink a glass of plain water every morning before food to prevent gall bladder stones 
09. No food 3 hrs before bed time 
10. Drink less Teh Tarik, no nutritional properties but can cause diabetes and hypertension 
11. Do not eat toast bread when it is hot from oven or toaster 
12. Do not charge your handphone or any device next to you when you are sleeping 
13. Drink 10 glasses of water a day to prevent bladder cancer 
14. Drink more water in the day time, less at night 
15. Don’t drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, may cause insomnia and gastric 
16. Eat less oily food. It takes 5-7 hrs to digest them, makes you feel tired 
17. After 5pm, eat less 
18. Six types of food that makes you happy: banana, grapefruit, whole meal bread, spinach, pumpkin, peach. 
19. Sleeping less than 8 hrs a day may deteriorate our brain function. Taking Afternoon naps may keep our youthful look.
Cooked tomato has better healing properties than the raw tomato.
Hot lemon water can sustain your health and make you live longer! 
Hot lemon water kills cancer cells 
Add hot water to 2-3 slices of lemon. Make it a daily drink 
The bitterness in hot lemon water is the best substance to kill cancer cells.
Cold lemon water only has vitamin C, no cancer prevention.


Hot lemon water can control cancer tumor growth. 
Clinical tests have proven hot lemon water works. 
This type of Lemon extract treatment will only destroy the malignant cells, it does not affect healthy cells.
Next… citric acid and lemon polyphenol in side lemon juice, can help reduce high blood pressure, effective prevention.